We made it! We survived! Liam was such a trooper on our journey home. It was an ordeal over 36 hours counting the drive from Western Kenya to Nairobi, but we did it! There were times where I wondered when the flights were going to end, or if I would ever get some sleep. We were thankful for a five hour layover in London where we were able to get a snooze and some good food (porridge and eggs for Liam and Mommy and a big burger for Daddy). We chose a restaurant called Giraffe thinking that would be somewhat familiar for Liam. He didn't really notice the giraffe decorations, and unfortunately the sun was coming up right outside the window. But again, he was a trooper! We don't have any pictures of us on the plane, etc. because let's face it: who really wants to see that, and do I want eternal proof of how I looked those very long days?

We are so thankful to be home! We didn't actually kiss the ground, or anything like that, but are enjoying every small detail. We started compiling a "Top 10" list of what we are thankful for here in the US, but as quickly as we could make that list, we could also make one for things we miss about Tenwek!
It's been less than 48 hours since we've been back in the States, but already we've encoutered a lot of the differences between the culture we left in Kenya, and the "new" culture we are re-adapting to here in the U.S. Perhaps in another blog we will discuss some "deeper" issues about the cultures, but for now, here is a simple Top Ten list, in no specific order, of things we miss about Kenya, and things we love about being home!
What we miss about Kenya:
1. My Ballet Class! Those girls were precious and I already miss the giggles and trying to corral them to start class on time.
2. Liam's play group What fun kids!
3. The McCropDers and other Missionaries we had to leave behind - We are so thankful for the friends we made.
4. The mild equator weather - It's hot in Missouri!
5. Krest Bitter Lemon - We have already started tasting soft drinks to replace it. So far they are all too sweet.
What we are loving here in the US:
1. Fast internet - I mean.....WOW
2. Clean, clear water - What a relief to not worry about Liam getting some water in his mouth during a crystal clear bath, and Logan and I both hesitated before rinsing our toothbrush under the faucet.
3. Shower - What a difference having a consistent hot shower, with great water pressure makes. I finally feel clean after 5 months!
4. Comfortable bed with no mosquito net - Our mattress feels so great, and we don't have to worry about getting tangled up in the net, or worry about getting eaten in our sleep!
5. Family - It's great to be home with my parents and Liam has taken to Mimi and Papaw perfectly.

Monday we will hang out with Logan's brothers and families and then next weekend we are off to Irondale to spend quality time with Grandpa and Granny!
All three of us are still jet-lagged, and Liam is waking up several times in the night. Pray for a fast recovery as we continue to assimilate to our new/old life.