We have received word from friends at Tenwek that Nancy, our househelper, has had her baby! It is a boy, and Alfred and Nancy named him Kipchumba. This means "boy born when the whites are here." We were not actually there when we was born, of course, but since she spent most of her pregnancy with us, she decided to give him that name. It sounds like there were a few complications, and he is in the NICU, but we are praying everything will be fine and he will be safe at home with them soon!

Nancy and Alfred were dear friends while we were in Kenya. They were a bridge to the native culture and helped us understand the world around us, and explained our weird white ways to our Kenyan neighbors!

She was great with Liam and loved being involved in celebrating Liam's first birthday with our Kenyan friends.

I made sure to leave her with Liam's Birthday Boy shirt, as well as several other pieces of clothing. I wish we could be there to hold their little guy, but the things we left behind will have to represent us for now!

Perhaps we will meet again in the future and get to see Kipchumba. For now, we must be satisfied with these pictures.
Keep this new little family in your prayers!