My sister is expecting twin girls, and thus one of the main reasons for the visit: I wanted to see her in her pregnant cuteness!! She has done an amazing job taking care of the little girls and is already a wonderful Mommy!
She, Zeke and I went to her Baby Shower where she got totally loved on and showered with gifts.

Liam had a blast in Portland! It rains all the time, and he loved tromping around in his rain boots!
There was always something going on in the big city and lots of trucks to watch.
We even went to this cool little restaurant that serves only gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, and is set up in an old school bus. There are tables actually on the bus that is decorated so fun.
Liam, of course, wanted to "drive!" He was in heaven!
One major highlight was being there for Easter. We went to John and Kari's church, Bread and Wine, which meets in a coffee shop. So cool.
One girl brought her pet lamb with her! So Portland.
I dressed my poor little boys in Missouri Easter clothes, but it was Portland weather!! They were good sports and after Liam got dressed he said, "You're so handsome."
Yes, Liam you ARE so handsome!
And so brave!! Liam fearlessly climbed this Lion at the Portland Zoo and gave it a good ROAR!
He went to their local park almost every day to swing under the BIG trees.
We had so much fun and I can NOT wait to go back and meet my sweet little nieces!!
Here is the beautiful mom now in July (3 months after our visit) counting down the days!! Stay in there a little bit longer girlees, you're almost done!