Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Not quite nunchuck skills, or bowhunting skills yet, but Liam's skills and vocabulary are increasing so quickly these days! His favorite thing to do is to go "souside", but many times he must entertain himself inside while Mommy tries to get things done.

The other day he found a pitcher in "Liam's cabinet" in the kitchen. He tried and tried and worked and worked to put the lid on this pitcher. The thing was, he had the wrong lid. He worked for literally (I timed it) 23 minutes trying to put the wrong lid on this pitcher. I let him go that long because I was fascinated at his attention span, and his tenacity! He did not get frustrated, but rather kept going and trying it every way he could think of. I did eventually show him the correct lid. He quickly abandoned the green lid and tried the blue lid that matched the picter. He squealed "ooooohhhh." I thought he would be ready to move on to something else, but no. He worked on the correct lid for about 10 minutes! He took it off, put it back on, took it off, put in back on. He now recognizes the correct lid and loves to hide toys inside and cover them up with the lid and say "See? See?"

Speaking of Mama seeing things he does...

Not only has Liam learned to say "Up" and "Down", but he has also learned to do up and down.

I was in the kitchen the other day and I heard Liam's little voice, "Dowww. Dowww. Dowww." After about three times, it hit me. "He is saying "down!" I quickly stuck my head through the door and saw my 13 month old standing on our couch.

He had pulled the cushions off, climbed up and was ready to get "dowwww." I helped him down of course. But, we are now working on teaching him how to get down by himself, now that he can climb up. It really helps that he narrates what he is doing. As he climbs he says, "Upuh." When he is ready to come down, he says "Dowww." He has had a couple crashes, but nothing big and Mommy or Daddy are right there coaching him. He can play the Up-Down game for a long time!!

If I am not able to be right there with him, or need to get something done in the kitchen, sometimes I will dump his toys on the couch so he is sooo distracted by the explosion of fun, that he has no desire to climb at that moment. We will see how long that trick lasts, Mommy. It worked this particular day! He started his own little dance party to the William Tell Overture on his little musical light-up toy. Oh, he is precious!

1 comment:

  1. This is adorable beyond words! Little Liam can't help but be smart coming from his two parents! I CANNOT wait until he can come "upuh" to see Aunt Kari and I cannot wait to come "doww" to see him!!!
