It wasn't "the first snowfall of the winter," but certainly the most accumulation we have had so far!
On Monday evening the snow was really starting to come down about the time Daddy was getting home from work. Liam heard the garage door and ran out to greet Logan. And he just lit up when he saw what was falling from the sky! He ran to the driveway and just stood looking straight up smiling.
"Snow!" he said. I had him come back inside and got him all bundled up and sent him outside with Daddy.

The first thing he did was dive down and roll around in this mysterious white stuff. The shock of the cold hit him and he cried a little. But, after he realized the true definition of cold, and that it would not hurt him, he was fine!

He ran up and down the sidewalk and watched it fall under the streetlights. Then they headed back to our front yard to make some snowballs! Logan taught him how to gather the snow in his hands.

Then Logan would say, "Go throw it at Mommy!" Liam would parrot, "Go frow to Mommy!" But then it would stick to his mittens! I know, I know. Those are not the right kind of mittens for snow. But I tried to dress him so quickly, and the good mittens just would not go on!! It was so cute how the snow would stick though!

Then Logan got to teach him how to clap his hands and watch the snow go swirling off the mittens.

It was such a sweet Daddy-Son experience, it almost made me teary! Liam loves his Daddy!

When they came inside I wished Liam was old enough for hot chocolate and marshmallows! That will come soon enough. The only thing he was thinking about was "Liam take a coat off." So Daddy helped him get undressed.

And Liam helped Daddy get undressed.

Logan let him bring a snowball inside and they put it in a cup to watch it melt. Liam's first science lesson! But, he was a little more interested in Daddy's hat.

What did Zeke think of all this? He was perfectly content to stay snuggled up in bed. I think he will be more excited about next year's snow!