Monday, February 22, 2010

Toothy grin!


Can you see it?! Liam's teeth are finally showing! This top tooth was actually his second, but it is coming in much more quickly than the bottom left. His other top tooth is so close to poking out too! He is getting alot better at chewing his food, and loves to run his tongue across his new pearly whites! He is looking much older these days, and a little chunkier as we are giving him more food. Oh, I know he is wearing a pumpkin sleeper, but here it doesn't really matter. There are not gender associations with colors, or seasonal distictions. It is not uncommon to see Santa sweaters, or little boys wearing pink. So, no one really cares about a "Little Pumpkin" sleeper in mid-February. Just roll with it!
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  1. LOVE the toothy grin :) He is looking so OLD so much like a little boy and not like a baby. He just looks happy beyond words... wish I could see the fun in person! Love you.

  2. HELLO MY PRECIOUS PRECIOUS BANKS'!!! Look at that lil guy! He is SO BIG!!! We miss you guys a lot and LOVE reading the blog :)
