Tuesday, June 29, 2010


While we were enduring the journey home from Africa with Liam, much of the time Julie and/or I had to sit very still for hours while Liam slept. This, combined with the general fatigue caused by traveling for longer than a day, caused some serious body aches for us when we got home. While we were on the plane, we talked about getting a couples massage when we got back, and how good that would feel. That kind of daydream on a cramped plane helped pass the time, and take our mind off of the fact that Liam was asleep in Julie's lap and her arm was numb.

We've been back a few weeks now, but I have still felt like my neck has been extra tight. Julie said she feels the same, so today we decided to get a massage. We went to a local spa (Julie has been before) and had not only the couples massage, but also the pedicure. I can honestly say I think this is the softest my feet have ever been in my life.

For those of you wondering if it is ok for a man to get a massage and a pedicure, the answer is definitely yes! Don't worry, they won't put on any nail polish or anything. Well, unless you ask them to. My pedicure was actually a lot of scraping and filing, but in the end, it was worth it. It was especially fun to enjoy this with my wife, and she deserves all the pampering she can get!


  1. AAAWWW!! What sweet feet! Julie's look a little prettier, I must admit:) When are we going to get to see you all, anyway??? Playdate??

  2. Trina and Trevor AshourJuly 23, 2010 at 2:14 PM

    Logan and Julie, Just wanted to say we miss you and are glad that you are back stateside and enjoying the pamperings offered here :) We think about you in Bible study and wish you could come down for a visit!! And see all the babies that are due here in the near future!!
