Friday, May 28, 2010

Ballet Class - Video Link!

We had our final ballet class yesterday. Our ballet class has been meeting every Thursday afternoon for one hour for the past 5 months. This last class was just a celebration of our wonderful performance last week and a time to party! The girls made Thank You cards for me, or should I say "Asante Sana" cards.

We have our class in the raquetball court with a small weight room attached. The girls love it because it is big and it echoes! I will miss these sweet girls pictured here. Back row next to me: Elizabeth, Claire, Lydia. Front Row: Bella, Anna, Anna.

The parents of Anna Fader (the youngest one) were able to upload a video of the performance on to YouTube. We could not believe it! Normally it is impossible to upload a video, or anything using that much bandwidth. But, here is the link of our performance at the Fine Arts Festival last week.

In case you missed our blog about the Tenwek Fine Arts Festival, click here.

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  1. Julie - you did such a great job on that dance! So did the girls :) Loved the tape on the floor and even more loved the older girl who put the younger one on her proper tape. Liam's commentary was awesome - those "hellos" were interjected whenever the action slowed down :)

  2. Very sweet budding ballerinas, Shows lots of practice. I also enjoyed the same family's video surgery of the bowel obstruction. I am a person of varied interests. We miss you 3 greatly! these last weeks have been the hardest in anticipation of your return.
