Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day at the Salon

Nancy has been a big help for me since we have been at Tenwek. She is expecting and is due in a little over a month. I remembered my last month of being pregnant with Liam. I was tired, huge, clumsy, and aching all over! I think Nancy is experiencing the same things (along with every third trimester woman!) So, I gave her the opportunity to only work part-time if she wanted. She was so thankful when I brought it up that she jumped at the opportunity.

Now she can rest as she needs to, and can just help with the laundry a couple times a week or babysits Liam at the house if I need to go out. It is more work for me, but it has really worked out well overall.

Today is one of Nancy's days off and she told me she was going to the salon to get her hair braided. Liam and I decided to take a walk up to the Dukas and hang out at the Salon!

Not all women get their hair braided, or plated. Some just wear it natural, shaved, or under a kerchief most of the time. Nancy braids her hair about once a month as time and money allows. There are several salons in our small village, but this was the first one I actually went into.

There are so many types and styles of plating! Most women know exactly what they want. The salons have pictures on the wall of the styles the stylist is capable of doing. It was fun watching the stylist work so quickly. She divides the hair into tiny sections, braids a little, then adds some hair extensions into the braid. Nancy would add oil to her scalp to ease the pain.

They think it is so weird that I can just let the wind dry my hair. Also, it is different that I wash my hair multiple times in a week! I explained that many women wash their hair everyday. To that, Nancy just shook her head and said, "Imagine."

Liam wasn't too sure of a day with the girls at the Salon. Maybe it was a little too giggly and gossipy for him!

He kept busy with his friend, Dorcas. She is 2 years old and is one of our neighbors. She kept saying "Liam! Liam! Liam!" while they banged on big jugs outside.

Overall, we had a great day at the salon! By the end, Liam was even "helping" braid some hair.

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